PAX Technology obtains Mastercard Enhanced Contactless certification on the A35 multilane Android PINpad

PAX Technology, the world’s leading manufacturer of point-of-sale terminal solutions, is pleased to announce that its new generation Android Smart PINpad, the A35, has received the Enhanced Contactless (Ecos) certification from Mastercard.
Ecos is designed to make contactless transactions resistant to attacks from both traditional and quantum computers, making it a future-proofed contactless technology, and the first to bring quantum-era security and privacy to contactless payments. With Ecos, the data exchange between card or device and the merchant terminal is processed as fast as current technology, yet is three million times harder to break.
Andrea Zucchiatti, Chief Product & Services Officer for PAX EMEA commented: “PAX continues proactively to take the initiative to enhance the security standards of payment acceptance devices. The A35 is the first Android multilane PINpad to receive the Ecos certification and we are investing to achieve similar certification on other PAX Android terminals”.
"The Covid-19 pandemic has boosted the use of electronic payments, with more consumers using contactless methods," added Jack Lu, Chief Executive Officer of PAX. He continued: "With the Ecos certification in place, we are providing acquiring banks and merchants with a more advanced and secure contactless payment solution, helping to improve the check-out experience for consumers."
The A35 Android PINpad is used by forward-thinking retailers to enhance their customers’ check-out experience, delivering improved software app design due to its large and vivid display, and offering a suite of value-added services thanks to the Android-based architecture.